Merry Christmas to all:
Well, the culture shock wore off until the snow started. Now there are fewer cars on the road and more snowmobiles. For me, it has been fairly cold, although the locals have said that it has been pretty mild. I am not excited about what they call “real winter”.
It has been seven months since we arrived in Manitoba. In that time we have been very busy. God blessed Eagle Bay with a great summer, and I had a chance to meet a lot of young people with hearts to serve. Since the end of summer I have been busy with guest groups and I was asked to lead the local youth group. I have since decided to make that group a part of the Eagle Bay mission. There are outreach events every other Friday evening. There has been an average of about 15 kids that attend. Chad and I have also put together two fundraising banquets. The first was very well attended with over one-hundred attending. The second was only attended by two couples, but God again miraculously provided. Between these two couples we will be able to finish the bathroom project that has been underway since April 2007. I have also had the privilege of preaching at two of the local churches. We are also in the process of getting winter camp planned. We will run three weekends in February for children in the area. Pray that these are well attended due to the fact that there was no winter camp last year. Also, pray for me as there are many tough decisions on the horizon regarding camp and the programs we run. Pray that God will bless our efforts to proclaim the gospel in light of financial burdens and some latent opposition to change. I would like to thank all of you who are praying for us, and also to those of you supporting us financially. If others of you who read this are feeling the call of God to help support the ministry of SCA International and Eagle Bay Camp, or if you would like to help support Nikki and the kids and I with our personal support you can donate through the SCA website
It is with a joyful heart that I wish all of you a Merry Christmas! I am so thankful to have this opportunity to share about what is going on in our family. This has been a faith-stretching year for me personally. In this past year I have seen the hand of God in my life work in such a personal way. He has time and time again reminded me that he is in control.
Since moving into Moosehorn, we have had the privilege of living across the road to Kurt Bork and his beautiful wife, Edie. He is among the first “shanty men” and first director to “Eagle Bay” camp. It has been with much joy to be neighbors with such an amazing couple whom we have lots to learn from.
I am so very thankful for our home, the school and the community here in Manitoba. Jon and I felt quickly at home mostly because of the great people who made room for us in their lives. I have made wonderful friendships here and was even blessed with a running partner. No matter where God leads us, He always answers my prayers for a friend that enjoys my love for an early morning run!
As for our children, they have all adjusted well. I am most pleased to share that our little Meaghan has a real joy for Jesus. We are thankful that she is discerning between right and wrong at school. As parents, that is a thrill for us both!
Over the past few months, we have gone through some very difficult and painful situations. We as believers are definitely not exempt! We are very thankful to everyone who has prayed us through some challenging days and weeks. Your continuous generosity and your fervent prayers have seen been a daily encouragement for our family!
Once again, thank-you all for being a part of God’s ministry! I encourage you to pray for Jon and Chad as they strive to serve the people of the northern Interlake. We are already looking forward to summer as hundreds of children will hear the gospel.
Jon, Nikki, Meaghan, Mallorie, Averie, Johnny